Kingsgrove Reserve Amenities

Kingsgrove Reserve Amenities

The aim of this project was to rejuvenate and improve the facility for sporting clubs and the community as well as improve access to and around the buildings providing a better connection to the street and site as a whole.

The existing facilities consisted of 2 buildings which were in poor condition and not fit for purpose. These buildings were demolished, and the construction of a new sporting amenity was built including:

  • 5 x public amenities ( including 2 x ambulant toilet),
  • an accessible toilet with baby change facilities,
  • service corridor,
  • referee’s/first aid room,
  • meeting room,
  • uniform storage,
  • pre-cast concrete hand wash trough and
  • bubbler, canteen and an upper and lower forecourt.

The building is wrapped externally with a combination of brickwork/tiles and a heavy duty framed Vitrapanel cladding system, with a commercial grade, double glazed window system.

The works were all tied into the existing levels of the sporting fields and the sports fields and playgrounds remained open and accessible to all users throughout the construction of the new sports amenities building.

Client: Bayside Council
Architect: Grain Architects

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