Noosaville Library Public Amenities

Noosaville Library Public Amenities

The Noosaville Library Amenities refurbishment project was completed for the Noosa Council and carried out in a live environment allowing the Library to continue operating throughout construction. Carfax completely stripped out the existing amenities area to allow for a new Male, Female and PWD bathroom.

The existing in-ground drainage was renewed to suit the new bathroom layout and new structural walls were constructed to support a mezzanine area above the bathrooms. The M/F bathrooms were fit out with Tasmanian oak doors and joinery and the PWD had an auto glass sliding door installed.

Client & PM: Noosa Shire Council
Architect: Magica Building Design

Breaking News!

Carfax has won 2 X 2024 MBA Excellence in Construction Award for 

Hospitality Buldings – Refurbishment up to $5M

Public Buildings – up to $10M 

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