Hervey Bay Regional Gallery Refurbishment

Hervey Bay Regional Gallery Refurbishment

Our contract for The Hervey Bay Regional Gallery focused on upgrading the existing building and bringing it up to a national standard for art galleries.

Works included:

  • extending the building to create airlocks at each entrance point,
  • upgrading the external facade with new glass,
  • installing a thermal vapour barrier behind the gyprock walls,
  • upgrading the internal doors; and
  • working alongside the contractors installing the HVAC system.

Other works included the refurbishment of the gallery’s hardwood deck, the eaves lining board refurb, a cafe fit out and some unique retail joinery items.

A large component of the job was installing the vapour barrier behind the new plaster walls. This was done by stripping the internal area back to the structure, installing the vapour barrier to the structure and building a new wall in front of the barrier to create a cavity so as not to penetrate the vapour barrier. The areas where the vapour barrier was installed were vigorously tested for air leakage, and happily exceeded the required standard.

Client & PM: Fraser Coast Regional Council

Architect: Flexure

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